We’re Married!

As many of you were able to watch yesterday, in person or online, Wendy and I were married in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by our family and friends and with perfect Waiheke weather.


Here’s a sneak preview to whet your appetite. We’ll be uploading more photos over the coming few days.


Thanks for all the good wishes and messages!


Melanie, Yvonne, Wendy, Chris and Irene during the ceremony

Melanie, Yvonne, Wendy, Chris and Irene during the ceremony

Chris and Wendy indoors after the ceremony

Chris and Wendy indoors after the ceremony


Cameras, Cars and Cakes!

Only 23 days to go now, and we wanted to send out a quick update, a reminder and a request.

The ceremony has now been finalised and we’re hard at work trying to memorise our vows, although I suspect some idiot boards might end up making an appearance as well! The rest of the details are well in hand as well. Wendy has even been hard at work on cake decorations, which look so good I don’t know if we’ll even want to cut the cake!

We’ve also been experimenting with various ways of sharing the ceremony and the easiest way at the moment seems to be a Skype conference call. If you want to join us and you don’t have my Skype details, get in touch and I’ll let you know how to join in. Once again, just a reminder that the ceremony is due to start at 9pm UK time on the 7th of February. Don’t get caught out by those tricksy time zones!

As a reminder, please do remember to bring your cameras and camcorders, and any cords, cables and card readers you might need to connect them up to a computer. We’d be really grateful for copies any photos and videos you take, so we can build up a great collection of memories from as many perspectives as possible, particularly to share with those people who couldn’t be here. Of course you’ll want to bring the cameras anyway, because New Zealand is such a beautiful country, and Waiheke is such a gorgeous location!

Finally, we want to let you know that we’ll be taking a car to the Island the day before the wedding and leaving the day after it, so we can help transport people from ferry terminals to accommodation and so on, potentially saving you the need to hire a car or pay the fare to bring a car over to Waiheke yourselves. Please could you check the times (links below) and let us know which terminal you plan to arrive into and at what time, and we’ll do our best to help you out.
If you’re travelling on the day, you’re going to want the departures from Auckland at around 8.00am, which arrive on Waiheke at around 9.00am.

Your choice of route will probably depend on price and proximity to your accommodation in Auckland itself. Neither route is a problem, but do let us know so we can plan pickups accordingly!

Two Months To Go!

All’s been quiet on the website front for a while, however our plans are beginning to firm up and come to fruition.

We have invited Irene Armstrong to be our celebrant, an experienced Waiheke JP. So far she has been very helpful in helping us design our ceremony and tailor it to make it right for us.

We’ve also been working on the rings and the outfits, as well as pulling together some of those all-important logistical elements like booking flights to get us up to Auckland in time and applying for our marriage license! Very soon we’ll get to work on planning our food selection, which has got Chris excited!

And for those of you travelling from afar, we know that the holiday planning is continuing apace. We’re actually really jealous of the amazing holiday plans we’ve heard so far. Stay in touch if you want any local advice and we’ll be happy to help, or if we haven’t a clue we can point you in the direction of someone who can!

Finally, a quick reminder, the ceremony itself is due to start at 10am NZ time on Wednesday, February 8th 2012. Just so there’s no room for mix-ups with the time zones (believe me, Chris has been here a month and is still confused!), that’s 9pm UK time on Tuesday February 7th, 2012.

The date is set!

We now have a confirmed date for the wedding, and a location.

This is a beautiful beachfront house with views from the large garden out over the water and a large deck area which will be great for an al fresco Reception afterwards. You can visit the link above for more information, or have a look at the photos below.

And so you can see where in the world that is:

Elsewhere on this site, there’s information about the wedding day itself, where to stay locally and how to get to Waiheke Island, and there’s also information for those of you who are visiting NZ for the first time and want to make a holiday of it.

There’s also a subscription box in the upper right of the page, where you can put in your email address so that you’ll get sent an email whenever we make an announcement.