Two Months To Go!

All’s been quiet on the website front for a while, however our plans are beginning to firm up and come to fruition.

We have invited Irene Armstrong to be our celebrant, an experienced Waiheke JP. So far she has been very helpful in helping us design our ceremony and tailor it to make it right for us.

We’ve also been working on the rings and the outfits, as well as pulling together some of those all-important logistical elements like booking flights to get us up to Auckland in time and applying for our marriage license! Very soon we’ll get to work on planning our food selection, which has got Chris excited!

And for those of you travelling from afar, we know that the holiday planning is continuing apace. We’re actually really jealous of the amazing holiday plans we’ve heard so far. Stay in touch if you want any local advice and we’ll be happy to help, or if we haven’t a clue we can point you in the direction of someone who can!

Finally, a quick reminder, the ceremony itself is due to start at 10am NZ time on Wednesday, February 8th 2012. Just so there’s no room for mix-ups with the time zones (believe me, Chris has been here a month and is still confused!), that’s 9pm UK time on Tuesday February 7th, 2012.